What does a 40 something year old woman with degrees in Economics and Law, a “good job”, a crippling fear of failure and a deeply conservative nature do? Sweep it all aside and start a gift box business!
This is precisely what fledgling Adelaide business owner Tracy Turnbull did towards the end of 2016. At a time when her contemporaries were carefully scrutinising their superannuation and gracefully entering the back half of their careers, Tracy launched her boutique gift box studio, Bundle + Twine.
“It was a crazy idea,” says Tracy from her North Adelaide office.
“But life’s always easier from the cheap seats. I decided that the risk of ridicule and failure was easier to live with than regret, and let’s face it, I wasn’t getting any younger.”
Business plans, legal structures and financial forecasts were child’s play, with mastering social media proving to be Tracy’s greatest challenge.
Having never had a Facebook page nor interest in social media, Tracy explained: “I had to Google everything! How to post a photo, how to delete a photo, how to ‘follow’, how to ‘unfollow’. What’s a ‘snapchat’! It was a living nightmare. I thought I had a ‘hater’ once and I didn’t sleep for days!”
Six months on, Bundle + Twine is gaining a reputation as a gift studio with creative flair and vision, and Tracy’s mission to give the traditional gift ‘hamper’ business model a shake seems to be paying off.
Always striving for a creative point of difference, Bundle + Twine’s latest personalised timber boxes are the ultimate in keepsake packaging. Filled with items hand chosen for each recipient, these enviromentally friendly boxes, are designed to surprise and delight!
With the option of full customisation, these boxes make ideal real estate settlement gifts (featuring addresses), new car gifts (featuring licence plate numbers) and bridal party thank you gifts with bridesmaids and groomsmen’s names.
Source: Bundle + Twine
Feature image: Gin and Tonic Gift Box. Everything needed for the classic G&T. A swoon-worthy gift box that sets the standard
Image source: Bundle + Twine