Product description: Steel-top utility tractor canopies sold in various colors including green, blue, orange, red and dark red. The canopies were manufactured and sold by A&I Products, a wholly-own subsidiary of Deere & Company.
What are the defects?
The canopies were not built to design specifications and exceed the weight that can be attached to the Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) of some tractors. This extra weight could have a long-term effect on the integrity of the ROPS.
What are the hazards?
There is a risk of injury in the event of a tractor rollover.
What should consumers do?
Stop using compact utility tractors with an affected canopy attached (or remove the canopy) and contact an authorised John Deere dealer. The John Deere dealer will perform a free repair on behalf of A&I Products.
Owners on record will be sent a letter to inform them of the recall and instruct them to contact an authorised John Deere dealer for a free repair. A Product Improvement Program is being developed that will replace the steel canopy top with one that meets specifications.
Supplier: Deere & Company
Where the product was sold: Nationally
Dates available for sale: 1 September 2016 – 30 April 2018
Source: ACCC