A product safety recall has been issued for the Global Ringwood — 49CC 2 Stroke Mini Dirt Bike Off Road Pee Wee.
What are the defects?
The affected bikes have a front and rear cable operated braking system which requires manual adjustment and does not comply with Australian Standards – Competition & Consumer Act 2010 – Consumer Protection Notice No.24 of 2011.
What are the hazards?
Once the brake pads begin to wear, manual adjustment is required at the brake calipers. Failure to make proper adjustments could result in brake failure, potentially resulting in serious injury to the rider.
What should consumers do?
Immediately stop using the bike and do not use it until a hydraulic braking system has been fitted. Contact Global Ringwood at 3/23 Stennett Road Ingleburn NSW 2565 or by phone on 0425 428 777.
Supplier: Global Ringwood
Where the product was sold: Nationally
Dates available for sale: 1 June 2015 – 29 November 2016